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Sumita Nadarajapathi

Senior Financial Consultant

As Senior Financial Consultant, my top priority for my clients is to be an empathetic financial consultant who will customise plans and policies according to their unique financial needs. There are numerous policies out there, but there's really no one-size-fit-all policy or plan, and I consciously keep this fact in mind as I plan for my clients.

I am also a firm believer of continuously accumulating knowledge and sharing that knowledge with my clients. As such, not only do I apply theoretical knowledge from my current MBA course to my work, I am also on the constant lookout for new knowledge about financial literacy that might help my clients work on their larger financial goals beyond signing up for policies and plans with me.

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Sumita is a person who I can turn to anytime to ask about anything related to financial policy/planning/financial literacy, and I know for a fact that not only will she provide me with the necessary answers, she will also give me relevant advice on what other options I can potentially take into consideration. Her approach is particularly unique because she goes above and beyond to care not only for her clients, but anyone who might have questions about financial planning by constantly putting up new information and tips on her social media page which have been extremely motivational and useful as well. (Client's name: Ashwinii)

Client Testimonial



  • Quality Club Elite 2021,

  • Star Club 2021

  • Premium Consultant (Bronze) 2021

  • MDRT 2022

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